Science, Mind and the Universe 
An Introduction to Natural Philosophy
by Helmut Moritz

This book (298 pp.), originally published by Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, in 1995, is no longer available in bookstores due to changes in the publisher portfolio. The copyright has been formally returned to the author, who offers a complete copy for free download on this page.

Table of Contents
Download (PDF, 3.1 MB).
About the author.

Warum keine deutsche Ausgabe?

"Ein Buch, das es wert ist, gelesen zu werden" (Nenad Trinajstić).

 Science, Religion and Tolerance 
by Helmut Moritz

Abstract: Starting from modern thinking in mathematics and science, especially physics, the author discusses its relevance to questions of religion such as the existence of God and the Christian Trinity. This includes a study of the significance of philosophers such as Plato, Kant, Hegel and Gödel for such considerations. Emphasis is on the problem of infinity and antinomies leading to Gödel's theorem which reveals a basic uncertainty of human thinking. This seems to be relevant to philosophical pluralism and to religious tolerance.

 Table of contents.
 From the foreword.
 Download (PDF, 1.9 MB).

 M. S. Molodensky in Memoriam 
by Helmut Moritz (Graz) and
M. I. Yurkina (Moscow)

Originally published in 2000 as vol. 88 of the series Mitteilungen der geodätischen Institute der Technischen Universität Graz, this publication has met considerable interest and is now out of print. With kind permission of Prof. B. Hofmann-Wellenhof, director of the Institute of Navigation and Satellite Geodesy of the Graz University of Technology, it is now available for free download on this page.

 Download (PDF, 3.2 MB).

 Die Grazer Geodäsie wird international 

Festveranstaltung des Forums Technik und Gesellschaft
am 4. März 2010 in der Aula der TU Graz
Hans Sünkel: Geodäsie und Weltraumforschung,
Helmut Moritz: Wissenschaftliches – Autobiographisches,
Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof: Helmut Moritz und Galileo Galilei.

Download (PDF, 25.5 MB).





Asteroid 29250, discovered in 1992, was named "Helmutmoritz" (data from NASA data base or as PDF)

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